
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Getting to Know My Country Better

Well, i'm off for a family reunion on J's side - all the way in good ole Alberta. We leave tomorrow, and i'm pretty excited to experience it all. Can't wait to share what i've seen and eaten while away. Happy Cow does a minimal list of veg-friendly places in Edmonton, let alone the much smaller towns we'll be in. But, i'm sure that will just add to the adventure and getting a chance to discover more of where we'll be!

I'm all packed, and can't wait to devour my copy of September's Vogue. Too bad it's so heavy, but it will be perfect for the plane ride and evenings in the chalets of Jasper and Banff!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Somehow I can't picture you reading Vogue magazine. It's such an elitist magazine. Based on what I have read about you on your blog, along with your Socialist views and your activism in being vegan, I would expect you to be a reader of alternative magazines like Bitch or Bust.

Sam :)

1:12 PM  
Blogger vania said...

Hey, thanks for the post Sam - i totally am a Bust and Bitch, and Ms reader, i even subscribe to them. The September Vogue is a treat, that's all. Elitist, yes (sexist, and more too), but great for looking at the foo foo side of fashion...

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, fair enough - foo foo treats are a good thing once in a while ;)


12:38 AM  

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