
Saturday, May 10, 2008

A (new to me) Vegetarian Greasy Spoon

I met a friend at Body Blitz yesterday and took this time to finally go to Sadie's Diner, a completely vegetarian greasy spoon in downtown Toronto. Don't ask me why i haven't been yet, especially because i used to work LITERALLY right around the corner. But i'm so glad i finally went.

There are quite a few vegan options, like a vegan BLT, a club, pancakes, burritos, and some great juices and smoothies. I had the club, which came with big slices of grilled tofu and 'veggie pealmeal bacon.' It was delicious and got just the spot in my tummy that was missing for so long. I couldn't believe how excited i was to find a cheap ($17 for two!) and totally veg greasy spoon. I saw 'greasy spoon' with love, because it also reflects the homage to 50's diner and comfort food, whereas so many veggie restos here are either Asian fare or 'gourmet' vegan. All of which i love, of course. The fun and kitschy decor helps too, especially the awesome collection of vintage salt and pepper shakers!

If you want to learn more about Sadie's, here's a link to their myspace. Their complete menu is featured there too. The image above is from there too.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's one of my new favourite places too!

11:20 PM  
Blogger mishka said...

ooo - the club would be good! Last time I went I had the BLT, which was very comforting :)

I'd never heard of Body Blitz before - I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks!

10:00 AM  
Blogger Rose said...

Hi, I would love to learn how to knit (or crochet, whichever one is easiest) but don’t know where to start. I took a couple of private classes five years ago but I doubt I remember anything. Do you have any suggestions?

7:10 PM  
Blogger vania said...

Paulina, i'm not sure where you live, but i have a couple of suggestions for you and am opening this up to others that might have some too. I would see if there are any knitting stores/cafes in your city and see if they have beginner knitting classes. That's a good place to start, esp. for me as i'm a visual learner. I know that there are even some great websites that teach people how to knit - even on youtube! The last suggestion i have now is to get a good book for beginners - like the Vogue Knitting series or Stitch n Bitch, and practise by following what they describe.
Thanks for your comment,and link to your blog. If i think of more suggesions, i'll share them on your blog too!

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vania! I just searched Sadie's and came across your blog--awesome to find another Torontonian vegan!

I've never tried Sadie's but unfortunately I'm a bit hesitant to--a close friend of mine recently was "fired" (I don't know the exact terms of the end of her employment) because she wouldn't sleep with her boss!

Anyway--I'm totally going to flip through your blog and see what other Vegan gems you've found in our home town.

All the best!


8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Vania,

And also Hello to Manda (or Ed,it's a little confusing). This is Al writing, the owner and "Boss" of Sadie's Diner. Thanks Vania for your kind words. I was just about to navigate away from your site when I saw that final comment. Well, how can I not reply to that? Firstly it's not hard to figure out who this posting is about considering I have let very few people go from their positions at Sadie's. Of course I let her go because she wouldn't sleep with me. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was feeding her boyfriend from the restaurant pretty much every day as well as having other friends come in and giving them her daily free meal. It had nothing to do with coming in 4 hours late the day before she was let go. And of course it had nothing to do with the fact that after 2 months there she still couldn't figure out the simplest tasks such as how to fill out her time card. My only question is how she explains all the other employee's that are not sleeping witth me ? How is it that they keep their jobs ?

1:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ed, you have no idea what you are talking about. In fact what are saying is slander and it could get you into trouble.

She did not get fired because she wouldn't sleep with the boss. I also work there and I did work with your close friend on multiple occasions. She got fired for the following reasons:
1) she could not multi task
2) she was slow
3) she didn't know how to take orders (after months of working there)
4) she did not show up for a couple of shifts (this was why she was finally let go).

She is a great person and would probably do wonders in a different working environment. Unfortunately serving, along with doing many other tasks, was not her thing.

3:05 PM  
Blogger vania said...

I just wanted to add a bit of a disclaimer re: the thread seen here re: accusations against Sadie's owner. As i have no inside knowledge re: this story, i cannot comment either way, but i don't think it's fair to only put one side up, even here. Every story has more than one side, and also more than one truth. Since Manda's original post, I have received 2 newer ones that I wanted to post too, and will leave it at that. As my blog is to talk about all things vegan and/or crafty, I don’t want this comment section to become a space where unrelated conflicts are aired. There are other better forums of communication for that.

Since i have only been there once and would have no other 'behind the scenes' info,' i only can comment on the great food and service i had while there. The feminist in me wanted to give Manda's friend support, but i also don't want to slander anyone without proof or further knowledge. I will definitely go back there.

11:14 PM  

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