What a Deal!
I'm in full work and party prep mode but i noticed it's been a while since i posted here. So, i wanted to share with you a couple of great pattern finds. Bouclair, a fabric outlet store if you will, had a huge sale on all Vogue patterns - $0.99 each! If you know patterns, you will know they are usually not this cheap so i went with a friend and bought a few patterns. I had to watch myself, but i walked away with a few great patterns, especially these:
This weekend, i'm on my way to a friend's wedding in beautiful PEI! We're embarking on a road trip, so i have some home-made treats to make. We're thinking some fun cookies, but i know that road trips for me mean eating too much, falling asleep and awakening in weird positions, and knitting! I can't wait. Plus, we're be on a beach with red red sand on July 1 - Canada Day. How fitting!
Now, with my busy schedule, i just need to find time to make this week's Cook-a-Long dish of butternut squash, cilantro and some other goodies. If you want to know what i'm talking about, go here to hear more about this fun idea - and see that vegan cooking is tasty, nutritious and creative as anything! Thanks to Carla for thinking it up!